Welcome to Thunderbrook Equestrian store website!
Thunderbrook Ireland C/O Nash Supplies Ltd 4 Cotton Road Bangor County Down BT19 7QG
028 9185 7013 info@thunderbrook.ie


Today, as horse owners our mind boggles with so many feeds, clever marketing, complicated supplements, juggling contradicting expert advice, spending fortunes on jars of this and that, scientific research papers, feed extra metabolic cofactors...

Why does my horse eat horse poo?

Why does my horse eat horse poo?

We often have enquiries from anxious owners asking why their horse has suddenly been seen eating horse droppings. Their immediate reaction is to question if something is lacking in their horse’s diet. Well it possibly could be, but it’s probably...

Dare to be Different!

Dare to be Different!

Due to a very successful talk given by Dr. Debbie Carley, founder of Thunderbrook yesterday, we have been inundated with enquiries as to why we are different from other feed companies, and what led to the formation of Thunderbrook Equestrian, and...

This winter – to rug or not to rug?

This winter – to rug or not to rug?

Did you know that the only 2 mammals capable of running for sustained distances are horses and human beings, as we are the only mammals that use sweat glands as the main way to regulate our body temperature. When you cover a horse with...

Can you feed your horse carrots?

Can you feed your horse carrots?

Customers tell us they can’t feed their horses carrots because they are high in sugar. FACT: Raw carrots contain only 4.7% sugar and 1.4% starch. Carrots are 85% water! Compare that to average hay at 8 to 10% sugar, and non molassed sugar beet at...

What do you feed your horse?

What do you feed your horse?

What do you feed your horse? Pony cubes? veteran mix? stud mix? show jumper mix? convalescent mix? cool mix? high fibre nuts? high fibre chaff? molasses free chaff? low cal mix? etc etc. But what is the difference? Have you ever looked at the...