Welcome to Thunderbrook Equestrian store website!
Thunderbrook Ireland C/O Nash Supplies Ltd 4 Cotton Road Bangor County Down BT19 7QG
028 9185 7013 info@thunderbrook.ie
Dare to be Different!

Dare to be Different!

Due to a very successful talk given by Dr. Debbie Carley, founder of Thunderbrook yesterday, we have been inundated with enquiries as to why we are different from other feed companies, and what led to the formation of Thunderbrook Equestrian, and...

Can you feed your horse carrots?

Can you feed your horse carrots?

Customers tell us they can’t feed their horses carrots because they are high in sugar. FACT: Raw carrots contain only 4.7% sugar and 1.4% starch. Carrots are 85% water! Compare that to average hay at 8 to 10% sugar, and non molassed sugar beet at...