A blend of herbs, fruits and botanicals.
Liver & Kidney Mix nutritionally supports healthy liver and kidney functions.
Healthy liver and kidney function enables the body to deal with unwanted toxic residues, assisting with overall health and wellbeing.
Nettle, Milkthistle, Cranberries, Dandelion Root, Dandelion Herb, Cleavers, Licorice, Ginseng, Burdock, Tangerine Peel, Turmeric, Calendula.
Crude Protein 13.6%, Crude Fibre 16.3%, Crude Ash 9.7%, Crude Oil 2.6%, DE (MJ/kg) 11.84.
1 level scoop* twice per day for a large horse or half this rate for a small pony.
In time, you may find that a maintenance rate (half the recommended daily amount) is sufficient for long-term use. Add to regular hard feed, preferably split between two meals each day.
*50ml scoop provided inside bag – 1 level scoop provides 16g.
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