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Organic Spirulina pratensis (powdered algae) 1KG


SKU: SPIRULINA Categories: , , Tags: , Product ID: 29600

Spirulina is an amazing source of nutrients. It is 60% protein, making it the world’s highest known source of protein. Raw meat is only 27% protein, and even soybeans are only 34% protein.


The protein in Spirulina contains all eight essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Spirulina is the world’s highest known vegetable source of B-12 with high concentrations of vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-6, D, E, and K.


In addition, Spirulina also provides necessary minerals, trace elements, cell salts, and digestive enzymes. The list does not end here, however, because Spirulina also offers an abundance of chlorophyll, ferrodoxins, and other pigments.


Nutritionally supports:  Healthy respiratory and skin functions.



25-50g per day


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